Devotion Philippians 3:12 NIV (December 2, 2018)

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (Philippians 3:12 NIV)


On today’s devotion, the Lord reminded us to not be so conscious of our selves but only of our stand to God. Everything else does not matter. As our spiritual parents always say focus on the major. The major is not how we look or the way we speak for these are just superficial. Focus on how the Lord is leading us and how we are obeying Him.


Always practice serving the Lord only and not the self. Do not be concerned on how will be looking or how the world would say but only what the Lord would say. There is nothing else that matters. Look onto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. If we follow Holy Spirit to lead us we will only give glory to the Son Jesus Christ and honor the Father in all we do.


Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and display the will of the Father in this life. Never look into the natural but only on the spiritual for that is what matters most.


The world will try to attract us fo looking good for the sake of things that will make us fall like pride, self-centeredness, or anything that is of the enemy. These will only lead us to be further and further away from the Lord. Rebuke this and go back to the Lord.


Major on the major, know what matters most and allow the Spirit to lead us where we should be. Give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

If we need help as it from the Lord, the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the Grace and mercy from the Lord Jesus Christ and the wisdom from the Lord God.

Devotion John 16:14 NIV (November 29, 2018)

He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. (John 16:14 NIV)


This verse and today’s devotion revolved around the supremacy of God. because of our familiarity of the Lord and the luxury of life we tend to limit who the Lord is and what he can do in this life. Missing the whole fact of who He is who is infinitely more. Allow the fullness of the Lord to happen in this life. Glorify Him as the Spirit manifest in this life and allow us to understand who He is. never put the Lord in a box for it will never contain who He is, it will just be limited what he can do in this life. No experience, struggles or current limitations can hinder the work fo the Lord form happening in this life. We just need to stay true to as He stays true to us. Know that he is God and He is able to do all things. He knows what we should be encountering and He will never allow anything too hard for us to do. Stand firm and know that He is God, don’t just stand there and think that He is just a God. He is more and everything that we will ever need.


He will do great and wonderful things in this life if we allow Him to. The Spirit will only lead us where we need to go and what we need to do. Listen and be sensitive in His commands as He will lead us to the things that we should actually be doing. Allow the Holy Spirit to manifest in this life that we may be able to give glory to the son Jesus Christ. After Jesus Christ, the Lord God send the Holy Spirit to allow us to know what the Lord Jesus did that we may know how to go about in this life. He is everything that we will ever need.


Listen and allow the Holy Spirit to lead this life that we may only give glory to the Son Jesus Christ, know the way that we should go and live a life that is aligned to How the Lord Jesus did. He is the person that we should all be and through the Holy Spirit, this is possible. Never quench the presence of the Holy Spirit in this life. No matter what extent it is, for He alone can lead us where we should actually be.


Never limit the Lord Our God in this life. He is not religion, He is more than that. He is salvation, He is the word and He is God. The world will try to limit the Lord to think that The Lord of before will never be the Lord of the new. How can that be if the Lord is constant? Who He is before is the same as who He is now. He is the Lord that created the world, the Lord that saved us all and the Lord that is guiding us now. He can never change as this who He is. Thus a great reminder for us would be that do not limit Him in any way for He is God and He is limitless.


Allow the Holy Spirit to lead us where we should be. Never limit our Lord God. Know that He is God and He is able to do all things for His people. He will never leave us nor forsake us, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, he will never allow anything too hard for us to do. There are so much things that is the Lord our God and we just have to seek Him to know who He is. He is not just a God He is THE GOD.

Devotion Galatians 6:14 NIV (November 26, 2018)

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14 NIV


On Today’s Devotion, the Cross of Christ is greatly emphasized that this is the only thing that we should be sharing and nothing else for every other teaching would be nothing without this Truth.


Share the Cross and the tragedy of God and connect the dots and all that it is missing in every life. Everything else will come after but everything else should start here.


Preach the good news of Christ. The Tragedy of the Lord God for everything and everyone revolve on this.


There are so many teachings in this world, revelations of the Lord to man these yes are important as well but not like the Tragedy of God. Everything revolves and are dependent on the Cross of Christ.


Share the tragedy of God above all else.

Devotion 2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV (October 29, 2018)

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV)


The best words that describe today’s devotion is a substitution. Jesus Christ did not die on the cross out of sympathy. it is because of obedience. He obeyed the Father until the last breath. And we garnering the success of Jesus Christ can even obey a simple command. Let us always be reminded how big the Lord has to give just for us to be saved. And we sin almost all the time has to be saved the next day because of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done.


We are saved because the Lord Jesus Christ obeyed until He died. That big burden was carried by the Lord to saved the lost as commanded by the Lord God. Let us look into what the Lord did and learn from it as today’s trial will never be as much as that what He has faced. Learn from Him and know that we are able because the Lord being Human was able to totally obey until the cross.


Take a pure joy to have been saved. For the Lord Jesus Christ bore the cross for us all. Just to obey the Father to the dot that we may all be saved. We are not saved by any right or anything we have done. We have been saved because of the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Father which is ours as well. This too is the things that we should be doing which we horribly failed to do almost every day.


There is no other reason for the salvation of man but the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can never do anything to deserve salvation but the Lord Jesus Christ having that connection with the father as we do totally obeyed and was able to overcome the world through the Cross.


Thank be to God and the obedience of the Son Jesus Christ to the will of the Father, for through it we were saved.

Devotion Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV (July 31, 2018)

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV


Glory is onto for the Lord and the Lord alone. Let no glory be given to man for all are for the Lord alone. We can not do anything apart from the allowance of the Lord and the Trength given to us by the Lord. Actually, to be more granular even our very breath is granted by the Lord but all that this life does should only give glory to the life give to whom all things are made possible


If we give the Lord all the glory to all that we do and accomplish He will allow us to accomplish more for we know what to do with the success that we are receiving. For it is indicated in (Luke 12:48b) to whom much is given much is required and to whom much is required much will be given.


Give all the glory to the Lord our God. Not unto us not unto us but onto you alone our Lord God. Let not any of this success give glory to man but only to God.


If we receive the glory now we will not receive anything else in heaven where the greatest of gifts is at. Let nothing also be accredited to man but all to God for man cannot do anything without the help of the Lord. Let us not do things on our own as well for we will never succeed, we will just fall in the hand so of the enemy.


Give glory to the Lord no matter what we achieve. Change this lifestyle to not be focused on the self but only onto God they all will be easier for us to give Him all back.