Devotion Ephesians 6:13 NIV (December 16, 2018)

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13 NIV)

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.  (Ephesians 6:18 NIV)


On today’s devotion, the Lord reminds us of being complete in Him and suiting up for the battle. We will encounter so many things in this world thus we need to be prepared for it. Be reminded of the Full Armor of God. Suit up and get ready for the battle. Be complete in the Lord that our worship would not be put in vain.


If we are complete in the Lord we would not have to worry about anything for we are led by the Spirit and are only marching the victory banner of the Lord. The Prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16).


Suit up for battle and be ready for anything. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in all our ways and know that the Lord is always there for us. Trust Him for He knows what He is doing. Stand firm for the Lord and always know what to do but with vigilance do not forget to prepare and suite up for the battle will be hard for those who are not prepared. March the victory of the Lord and know our stand.


Flowery words or enticing words of man’s wisdom will just be resounding gongs without Love (1 Corinthians 2:4). Our prayers or words will never be effective if we are not complete in Christ. Everything is meaningless if we are not complete in God. Know our stand and be complete. Seek Him continuously and never lack anything for the Lord will never send us to a battle that we are not prepared for or we can not handle.


Always suit up for battle. Always seek to be complete with the Lord and know our stand. Seek the Lord always that we may understand. Find the boldness to stand for the Lord without any hesitation and filled with anointing. Let the Spirit lead and let this vessel be used for the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ Alone.


Wrestling Before God By Oswald Chambers

Take up the whole armor of God…praying always… —Ephesians 6:13,18

You must learn to wrestle against the things that hinder your communication with God, and wrestle in prayer for other people; but to wrestle with God in prayer is unscriptural. If you ever do wrestle with God, you will be crippled for the rest of your life. If you grab hold of God and wrestle with Him, as Jacob did, simply because He is working in a way that doesn’t meet with your approval, you force Him to put you out of joint (see Genesis 32:24-25). Don’t become a cripple by wrestling with the ways of God, but be someone who wrestles before God with the things of this world, because “we are more than conquerors through Him…” (Romans 8:37). Wrestling before God makes an impact in His kingdom. If you ask me to pray for you, and I am not complete in Christ, my prayer accomplishes nothing. But if I am complete in Christ, my prayer brings victory all the time. Prayer is effective only when there is completeness— “take up the whole armor of God….”

Always make a distinction between God’s perfect will and His permissive will, which He uses to accomplish His divine purpose for our lives. God’s perfect will is unchangeable. It is with His permissive will, or the various things that He allows into our lives, that we must wrestle before Him. It is our reaction to these things allowed by His permissive will that enables us to come to the point of seeing His perfect will for us. “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God…” (Romans 8:28)— to those who remain true to God’s perfect will— His calling in Christ Jesus. God’s permissive will is the testing He uses to reveal His true sons and daughters. We should not be spineless and automatically say, “Yes, it is the Lord’s will.” We don’t have to fight or wrestle with God, but we must wrestle before God with things. Beware of lazily giving up. Instead, put up a glorious fight and you will find yourself empowered with His strength.

Reference: Utmost for His Highest

Devotion 2 Timothy 2:15 NIV (December 15, 2018)

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)


This verse in 2 Timothy reminds us to know what we believe and believe what we speak. Know our stand for it is concrete irrefutable and is foundations with the truth. Review, practice, and experience what we preach. We will go through challenging experiences understanding the truth but it will indeed set us free. More so as we oath to share it we will have that confidence for the Lord has allowed us to experience it for His greater glory only.


The word of the Lord and the God we believe in is true and all His words are irrefutable. This is our stand and this is the thing that the Lord wanted us to share. Know it, learn it, seek it, experience it and eventually boldly share it. Everything will be all right.


Know what we preach, believe what we preach, experience what we preach and live out what we preach. We do not have to go through it all at ones but we can seek to understand one at a time. It’s not that complicated as we ate oath to live one day at a time. No one can master it in a day but everyone can master it.


We can never preach what we do not know. And sharing empty words will only cause destruction. Not sharing anything is not the ways of the Lord. Make our stand and stand firm. Know our stand and live out His words in this life.


Know our stand, understand what we stand for, comprehend what we stand for, experience what we stand to learn what we stand for, be confident in what we stand for. Eventually share what we stand for, allow the Spirit to lead us in all our ways and in all we seek. For only by the spirit can we truly comprehend?

Devotion Philippians‬ ‭1:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ (December 11, 2018)

“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” (‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬)


This verse in Philippians reminds us of the challenges that are ahead. Be sensitive and know what the Spirit is asking us to do that we may be prepared for the bigger things to come. For the Holy Spirit will nudge to smaller things and then eventually lead us to the great challenge that we are then prepared for if we choose to be trained beforehand by the nudge of the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit will nudge us to be familiar and know what to do is the situations that we are about to face. Learn from the lessons and know what to do. The Lord sent the Holy Spirit to us to guide us through this life and If we do not allow Him to the enemy will definitely take over. We will face great thing and the Lord will equip us for all of them but if we do not allow Him to equip us the time may come for it and we will fall.


Accept and learn from the teaching and leading of the Holy Spirit He only auth to Give glory to the son Jesus Christ. He is here to protect and lead us where we need to be and what we need to do. Allow HIm for He knows the will of the Father. Eventually, we would be able to do this as well if we in the future become one with Just like Jesus Christ is.


The enemy will try to distract us that we may not be prepared. Do not allow the enemy to do this and choose to be in the right side if this life. For all boils down in our decision to choose.


Follow the Holy Spirit and know our God. This way we would not astry to His commands.

Devotion Galatians 4:22 NIV (December 10, 2018)

For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. (Galatians 4:22 NIV)


On today’s devotion, the book of Galatians we are reminded to offer the natural to the spiritual first before offering spiritual things to the Lord. Respect the process and go through the easy thing first for the harder things will indeed come after when we can handle it already. As if we are not ready for it when we encounter it we will surely fall. Abraham was commanded to surrender Ishmael first Isaac.


If we surrender the natural to the Lord things might get harder but we are ready for it. The natural will only cause turmoil in this life if not surrender to the Spirit as it is written no one can serve two masters it is eighter we serve the one hate the other.


Surrender the natural for because of sin it has been defiled and attached to the world. Surrender everything to the Lord allow the Spirit to lead this life and do not look back. Remember our covenant to the Lord for it is sacred. Remember our day zero and walk faithfully with the Lord.


The natural is so attached to the world because of sin that it is needed to be sacrificed and be dealt with. Renewed and cultivated to only worship and know the Lord our God. Let nothing Hinder and Let everything is known in accordance with the Lord our God’s will.


Surrender Natural to the spiritual as it is the only way it can be saved. This is also the only way we can fully worship for the Lord is in the spirit and we can not worship with the natural but only with the spiritual.